This chapter describes AppleTalk Phase 2 (AP2) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
AP2.003 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.003 q ovf src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.003 queue overflow src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node net network
Description: The specified packet caused the forwarder input queue to overflow and was discarded.
AP2.005 |
Short Syntax: AP2.005 pkt trnc length pkt ln received_length src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Long Syntax: AP2.005 packet truncated length packet length received_length src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Description: The physical length of the packet as received was not long enough to contain a packet of the length claimed by the DDP header. Both lengths include only the DDP header and data, and do not include the LAP header of data-link header.
AP2.007 |
Short Syntax: AP2.007 bd hdr cksm frm src_net/ src_node, rcv rcvd_csum, comp comp_csum
Long Syntax: AP2.007 bad header checksum from src_net/ src_node, received rcvd_csum, computed comp_csum
Description: The computed checksum of the specified packet did not match the checksum value in the DDP header.
AP2.008 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.008 no rte src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Long Syntax: AP2.008 no route src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Description: No routing table entry was found for the destination net while trying to route the specified packet.
AP2.009 |
Short Syntax: AP2.009 hp cnt ovf src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Long Syntax: AP2.009 hop count overflow src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Description: The specified packet was discarded while attempting forwarding due to overflow of the packet hop count.
Cause: Packets whose hop counts overflow are typically victims of a routing loop. This is usually a temporary condition.
Action: If the problem is excessive or persistent then check for improper network configuration.
AP2.010 |
Short Syntax: AP2.010 no iorb for copy
Long Syntax: AP2.010 no i/o request block to copy packet
Description: The system was making a copy of a directed broadcast packet for internal processing of the packet, and was unable to allocate a system buffer to copy the packet. The packet will still be forwarded, but no local copy will be received.
Cause: There is a buffer shortage in the router. This may be a temporary condition.
AP2.011 |
Short Syntax: AP2.011 No RTMP entry for FwdReq pkt to nt dest_net, rcvd nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.011 No RTMP entry for FwdReq pkt to net dest_net, received net network
Description: An Apple NBP Forward request packet was received and either RTMP has no entry for the network or the net is no longer directly connected.
AP2.012 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.012 src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Long Syntax: AP2.012 src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Description: The specified AppleTalk packet was forwarded.
AP2.013 |
Short Syntax: AP2.013 pkt too lg pkt_len > max_len nt network src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Long Syntax: AP2.013 packet too large pkt_len > max_len net network src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node
Description: A packet exceeded the maximum length of a packet on the outgoing network and was discarded.
AP2.014 |
Short Syntax: AP2.014 pkt src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node dsc, rsn code
Long Syntax: AP2.014 packet src_net/ src_node -> dest_net/ dest_node discarded, reason code
Description: An outgoing packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.
AP2.017 |
Short Syntax: AP2.017 bad dst skt socket
Long Syntax: AP2.017 bad destination socket socket
Description: A locally destined packet had a destination socket on which there was no listener.
AP2.018 |
Short Syntax: AP2.018 unk prt tp type
Long Syntax: AP2.018 unkown protocol type type
Description: A locally destined packet had an unrecognized value in the protocol type field.
AP2.019 |
Short Syntax: AP2.019 no uniq nd addr avial nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.019 no unique node address available net network
Description: The handler was unable to find a unique node address available on this network.
Cause: There already exist the maximum number of nodes on the network; all node numbers are taken. The net range should be extended.
AP2.020 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.020 nt/nd addr assgnd net_number/ node_number nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.020 net/node address assigned net_number/ node_number net network
Description: The indicated net / node address has been assigned to the specified interface.
AP2.021 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.021 intfc up net_num/ node_num nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.021 interface up net_num/ node_num net network
Description: The specified interface has secured both a net and node address, and is now up and looking for a zone name.
AP2.022 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.022 intfc up net_num/ node_num zn zone_name nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.022 interface up net_num/ node_num zone zone_name net network
Description: The specified interface has secured a net, node and zone name, and is now up.
AP2.027 |
Short Syntax: AP2.027 no mem for NBP pkt
Long Syntax: AP2.027 no memory for NBP packet
Description: An iorb was not available for sending an NBP packet.
AP2.028 |
Short Syntax: AP2.028 NBP type disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: AP2.028 NBP type discarded net network reason error_code
Description: An NBP packet was not sent for the indicated reason.
AP2.029 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.029 NBP type snt to net net_number
Long Syntax: AP2.029 NBP type sent to net net_number
Description: An NBP packet was sent to the indicated net.
AP2.031 |
Short Syntax: AP2.031 no mem for AARP Probe
Long Syntax: AP2.031 no memory for AARP Probe
Description: A buffer was not available for an AARP Probe packet.
AP2.032 |
Short Syntax: AP2.032 AARP Probe disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: AP2.032 AARP Probe discarded net network reason error_code
Description: An Apple ARP Probe was not sent for the indicated reason.
AP2.033 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.033 AARP Probe snt nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.033 AARP Probe sent net network
Description: An Apple ARP Probe was sent on the indicated net.
AP2.034 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.034 AARP Rsps match tentative addr, new addr selected nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.034 AARP Response match tentative addr, new addr selected nt network
Description: An Apple ARP Response was received in response to our probe claiming the tentative address. A new node address was selected for continued probing.
AP2.035 |
Short Syntax: AP2.035 Unrec AARP pkt typ arp_type rcvd nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.035 Unrecognized AARP packet type arp_type received net network
Description: An Apple ARP packet with an unrecognized type was received.
AP2.036 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.036 AARP Probe rcvd src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.036 AARP Probe received src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An Apple ARP Probe packet was received.
AP2.037 |
Short Syntax: AP2.037 AARP Response disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: AP2.037 AARP Response discarded net network reason error_code
Description: An Apple ARP Response was not sent for the indicated reason.
AP2.038 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.038 AARP Response snt nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.038 AARP Response sent net network
Description: An Apple ARP Response to a probe was sent on the indicated net.
AP2.039 |
Short Syntax: AP2.039 Echo pkt short ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.039 Echo packet too short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An Echo packet was received that was too short to contain the echo packet header.
AP2.040 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.040 Echo pkt, func function_code, frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.040 Echo packet, echo function function_code, received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An Echo Protocol packet, which was not an Echo Request or Echo Reply was received from the specified node. It will not be answered.
AP2.041 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.041 Echo Req frm src_net/ src_node nt network, rplyng
Long Syntax: AP2.041 Echo Request from src_net/ src_node net network, replying
Description: An Echo Request packet was received from the specified host. A reply will be sent.
AP2.045 |
Short Syntax: AP2.045 Echo Rply disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: AP2.045 Echo Reply discarded net network reason error_code
Description: An Echo Reply was not sent for the indicated reason.
AP2.047 |
Short Syntax: AP2.047 pkt too short ( length) net network
Long Syntax: AP2.047 Long DDP packet too short for header ( length bytes) net network
Description: A long format DDP packet has been received that is shorter than the length of a long DDP header (13 bytes).
AP2.048 |
Short Syntax: AP2.048 pkt too long ( length) src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Long Syntax: AP2.048 Long DDP packet too long ( length bytes) src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Description: A long format DDP packet has been received with more than the limit of 586 bytes of data after the DDP header.
AP2.049 |
Short Syntax: AP2.049 DDP rsvd bits src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Long Syntax: AP2.049 Long DDP packet reserved bit(s) set src_net/ src_node -> dst_net/ dst_node
Description: A long format DDP packet has been received with one (or more) of the two reserved bits above the hop count set.
AP2.056 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.056 source_net/ source_node -> destination_net/ destination_node nt network ign
Long Syntax: AP2.056 source_net/ source_node -> destination_net/ destination_node net network ignored
Description: An AppleTalk packet was recognized but ignored because AppleTalk forwarding was not enabled on the interface.
AP2.059 |
Short Syntax: AP2.059 Ilg zone zone_name seed w/o net seed nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.059 Illegal zone zone_name seed without network seed net network
Description: The user configured a zone name for a network in which no network number was configured. The zone name will be ignored.
AP2.060 |
Short Syntax: AP2.060 NBP bd cnt tuple_count in type frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.060 NBP bad count tuple_count in type from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: The NBP Request packet from the specified host contained an illegal tuple count not equal to 1.
AP2.061 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.061 NBP type rcvd frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.061 NBP type received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An NBP Broadcast Request or Forward Request was received from the specified host.
AP2.062 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.062 no knwn zn nm for nt net_num in NBP BrRq frm src_net/ src_node
Long Syntax: AP2.062 no known zone name for net net_num in NBP BrRq from src_net/ src_node
Description: An associated zone name for the requested net in a BrRq packet was not found.
AP2.063 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: AP2.063 zn zone_name not fnd in ZIT, NBP BrRq frm src_net/ src_node
Long Syntax: AP2.063 zone zone_name not found in ZIT, NBP BrRq from src_net/ src_node
Description: The requested zone in BrRq from the specified host was not found in the Zone Information Table.
AP2.064 |
Short Syntax: AP2.064 no mem for NBP stat block, BrRq frm src_net/ src_node ign
Long Syntax: AP2.064 no memory for NBP status block, BrRq from src_net/ src_node ign
Description: No memory was available for status block to process NBP BrRq from the indicated host.
AP2.065 |
Short Syntax: AP2.065 NBP shrt ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.065 NBP short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node nt network
Description: An NBP packet was received that is too short to contain the NBP header. The packet will be discarded.
AP2.066 |
Short Syntax: AP2.066 NBP bd func function frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.066 NBP bad function function from src_net/ src_node nt network
Description: An NBP packet was received with an unsupported function code. The packet will be discarded.
AP2.067 |
Short Syntax: AP2.067 NBP trnc ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.067 NBP truncated ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node nt network
Description: An NBP packet was received that is too short to contain the NBP data. The packet will be discarded.
AP2.068 |
Short Syntax: AP2.068 NBP type ilg field len length frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.068 NBP type ilg field len length from src_net/ src_node nt network
Description: An NBP packet was received that has an entity name more than 32 characters long. The packet will be discarded.
AP2.069 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.069 NBP type snt to net net_number node node_number
Long Syntax: AP2.069 NBP type sent to net net_number node node_number
Description: An NBP packet was sent to the indicated destination.
AP2.070 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: AP2.070 NBP LkUp rcvd frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: AP2.070 NBP LookUp received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An NBP LookUp Request was received from the specified host.